Our past and our present
Having Shabbos and yomtov davening in the Providence Hebrew Day School building dates back to the early 1970's, and the beginnings of the New England Academy of Torah high school. The Minyan was begun as a 'chinuch minyan', designed to teach the students about tefilla b'tsibur (communal prayer) and to bring the students into contact with the Providence Orthodox community. The Minyan continued for many years, often presided over by the Dean of PHDS/NEAT; it became a community.
In 2009, a group of families decided that they wanted and needed a Rav to help them grow Jewishly - someone to give shiurim targeted to them, someone to direct them individually and collectively - the time had come to form a Shul. The Shul rented space from PHDS and hired Rabbi Dovid Schwartz as its first Rav.
In 2022, the Shul began a new chapter, hiring Rabbi Eliezer Marcus as its Rav.
One thing has remained constant: the Shul is a community of b'nei aliyah, people who are trying to grow in their Torah learning, observance, middos, and chesed.